Christian Moser – Abrash


Swiss, Basel-based Christian Moser plays the Middle-Eastern lute, the oud, like no other. In his youth, he studied the violin but at 18 he discovered the oud, and after a few years of taking private lessons, he relocated to Istanbul and studied Turkish Music at the I.T.Ü. Conservatory (he also plays the Turkish string instrument, cümbüş). Moser says (on his website) that he sees the oud as an “object that can be attended to, attuned to, in different ways that bring out strange hidden properties, that reveal something about the wood and the curvature of that instrument”. Today he focuses on the cultivation of musical mindsets that go beyond the dualism of tradition / presence, being / becoming, immanence / transcendence.

Abrash (أَبْرَش, mottled or speckledin Arabic) is Moser’s second free improvised solo album for