Martina Verhoeven & Dirk Serries between Brecht and Café OTO

Belgian pianist-photographer (and bassist and mindfulness trailer) Martina Verhoeven began her career as a free improviser only seven years ago, most of the time joining the projects of her partner, prolific Belgian guitarist Dirk...

Kristine Tjøgersen – Between Trees

Il periodo pandemico ha accentuato la preoccupazione degli individui in tutto il mondo per la mancanza di iniziative concrete dei governi contro i pericoli dell'inquinamento. Sembra non esserci in prima istanza nessun collegamento tra...

Izumi Kimura / Barry Guy / Gerry Hemingway – Six Hands Open As One

The trio of young, Japanese-born, Irish-based pianist Izumi Kimura with British double bass player Barry Guy and American drummer Gerry Hemingway is by no means a typical piano trio. These musicians are idiosyncratic composers...

Christian Moser – Abrash

Swiss, Basel-based Christian Moser plays the Middle-Eastern lute, the oud, like no other. In his youth, he studied the violin but at 18 he discovered the oud, and after a few years of taking...

Bruno Duplant – de ce paysage au loin nous ne percevons que des sons

de ce paysage au loin nous ne percevons que des sons (From this landscape, in the distance, we only perceive sounds) is the poetic title of the new sound work by French composer, sound...

Jacob Kirkegaard: two haunting sound works

"The work of Danish composer, sound artist, and field recordist Jacob Kirkegaard explores ways to reflect on complex, unnoticed, or unapproachable conditions and environments His works have treated themes such as radioactivity in...

Mark Kirschenmann – Tonics: 7 Melodies for Trumpet with Bamboo Mouthpipe

America, Ann Arbor-based trumpeter Mark Kirschenmann is known for his pioneering live electric trumpet performances and as a scholar who explores the confluence of composition and improvisation at the University of Michigan. He has...

Draumr – Excursions

Draumr means dream in Faroese and it is the name of the electro-acoustic duo of Swedish composer-sound artist-concert pianist Eva Sidén and Danish electronics composer-sound artist-recording engineer-producer Christian Rønn. The duo's title captures faithfully...

Andrea Monarda suona i Doze Valsas di Francisco Mignone

Nell'ambito della produzione musicale per chitarra classica un compositore che sta avendo una forte rivalutazione è Francisco Paulo Mignone (1897-1986). Il direttore d'orchestra Mário Tavares vantava Mignone come uno dei più grandi creatori ed...

Alexandra Grimal / Giovanni Di Domenico – Shakkei

Shakkei (借景) means borrowed scenery Japanese and is the Japanese (and also the Chinese) principle of "incorporating background landscape into the composition of a garden". Shakkei is also the title of the fourth duo...


La micro-rassegna DIORAMA a Roma

Nuova iniziativa del brand curatoriale di musica e arti d'avanguardia KLANG fondato da Cristiano Latini. Si tratta di "DIORAMA - Sovrapposizioni traslucide fra layer...

Ultraschall Berlin 2025

Tom Johnson rip