Gesture – Event – Structure

di Daniel Barbiero   In questo sito, del contrabbassista Daniel Barbiero ho già avuto modo di parlare (1). Residente a Washington DC, Daniel è uno dei più attivi ed oculati musicisti di quella zona, sempre proteso...

Stefano Pastor & Charlotte Hug: Paragone d’archi

"Paragone d'archi" is a collaboration aimed at the rebalancing of power relations between violin and viola, namely the meaning attributed by the musical history of their relations, an archetype or pamphlet from the past:...

Matthias Schubert/Simon Nabatov: Descriptions

If the goal of music is to provide an image or represent a feeling, nothing better than to try to make explicit these aspects through descriptive methods. In this way they will be able...

Anne-Liis Poll/Anto Pett/Vlady Bystrov: The enchanted 3

"The enchanted 3" shows the powerful exercises to control the directionality of improvisation, where the interaction among the musicians is an essential condition for their full expression. It is all based on research, through...

Antonio Bertoni: 1/2 h(our) drama

Joseph Beuys holds a special place in the history of those human "meteors" who did not have the right weight: in the sixties the equivalent in Europe of the spectacular and unconventional art-pop of...

New exciting musical relationships of the duo Perelman-Shipp

-A violent dose of anything -  Perelman/Shipp/Maneri Brasilia, the current capital of Brazil, is a place that has experienced unprecedented growth over the past three decades, thanks to a government project that wanted to build...

Enrico Fazio Critical Mass: Shibui

Also in this recording Fazio provides a value musical product, which has a strong point in the freshness of the musical solutions and in the emotional transport of the musicians of the band. In "Shibui"...

Tanja Feichtmair / Fredi Proll / Uli Winter: Trio Now!

"Trio Now!" is based on a strong charge of enthusiasm, with the conscious (but not identical) pride of the "now" of Max Roach's times (We insist!); we are on the border between free, abstract...

Joachim Gies, Ensemble X and Gerd Wameling: Mnemosyne

In "Mnemosyne", you notice the composer's passion for the Greek theater and for the existentialist poets and philosophers: in a performance at Villa Elisabeth in Berlin, Gies plays with the ensemble X (composed by...

Russian jazz musicians: between free and contemporary jazz

Many critics of free improvisation/free jazz insist to give an appropriate value to the sounds that can evoke images or become simulations of an event or an object: this theory is based mainly on...


John Mayall

Ricordo che negli anni della piena gioventù (forse 19 o 20 anni) fui preso dalla voglia di approfondire il blues, in un'epoca in cui...

Irène Schweizer

Stuart Saunders Smith